Vitaly Yves
My favorite instruments, I still have not forgotten what I was doing recently, so the Bolid system many things have been used for a long time up to the control of consumption /. In general, the system is flexible and I used the ADC of devices and power circuits in different ways. Up to what popped up the message "Full Pipets" with inadequate control. It was fun.
My favorite devices are and С2000-4 more and an opener for the door and access control with registration and issuing of messages who, when and what did.

There is a programmable technological loop - a concept for the device. Five states (possible) by the state of the ADC to which anything can be connected. Threshold values ​​are programmed! It's easy with a computer. Yes, there you can implement it, just to know what you want and do not expose the mutually inconsistent parameters.
I'll add that the ADC sees resistance in the loop with an accuracy of a hundredth part. Any controller can be made, only it is more expensive than Elivel or Evko will come out ... but RELIABLE!